When I was little, I wanted to be like my mom.
I showed her that I could iron and fold my clothes using a box of pens as if it were an iron.
I showed her that I can tidy up my hair, even I ended up cutting some of the untidy one with scissors. It surprised both my mom and my sister!

As I grew up, I wanted to be like my cool friends. I wanted to have a great smile, so I got braces from a dentist.
I wanted to look pretty. I often had photos taken with my best friend because everyone said I was photogenic.

During high school, I longed to have a boyfriend. I found one who liked me too, but we broke up after six months, which left me crying every morning for the entire following year.
In my uni days, I looked for acknowledgment. I worked hard to get good scores in my courses and became a laboratory assistant for a core unit, allowing me to teach in front of others.

As I became a parent, I discovered my hidden strengths and weaknesses while caring for my toddlers.
As an adult, I learned to strive for the best in life for the sake of family stability while also desiring to make the world a better place.

I learn better ways and unlearn what didn’t work.
Every morning, I pushed myself: “Wake up! Do your to-do list! Make things happen!”

In the face of life’s challenges, I learned that I can endure with God by my side.
He sent support when I was about to fall.
He accompanied me through tears.
He enlightened me with the wisdom of His followers.
And so, I persevered, kept trying, and continued to believe.

I once heard a story that compared God’s work in us to a miner refining a gold bar. God does everything to prepare us, and the final step is to see His reflection in us.
Through life’s experiences, I feel that God is shaping a better version of me day by day.
I learn more about Him, his faithful companionship, and how to trust Him more and more.

Life is a journey to find myself.
I learn what is good and unlearn what is not.
It is about becoming more like Him while staying true to ourselves.

To become more like Him, the Creator, the Caregiver, and the Nurturer, and to meet Him one day, is my ultimate goal.
After finding myself, I will find Him.




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