Hello, Papa.
How are you?
On this day, two years ago, you helped me move my belongings to a rental house. 
You drove Mama to come visit us, and accompanied her swimming at the small sports center near the rental house. 
You made sure I was comfortable, even persistently calling an air conditioning dealer to check for stock.
You poured your love into everything you did for us.

How are you today?
I can still feel your love, even though I can’t see you physically anymore. 
Yesterday, during a Catholic sharing session, I realised the difference between God’s love and the other kinds of love that the world offers.
It is a love that is humble and down to earth.
The one that prioritises others’ needs over mine. 
It is a love that serve.
A selfless love.

Thank you for the selfless love you showed me. 
Through that love, you showed me more of Christ. 
You proved that a lifetime marriage is possible, even when there are rocks and weeds along the way. 
You poured love into me like a river that never ran dry.

Jeremiah 17:8 says, 
‘For he will be like a tree planted by the water, 
That extends its roots by a stream 
And will not fear when the heat comes; 
But its leaves will be green, 
And it will not be anxious in a year of drought 
Nor cease to yield fruit.’

You are missed. 
You are loved. 
I know God loved you the most, 
and now you are with Him, 
experiencing a new dimension of His love. 
Until we meet again.

(LGA, 16 September 2023)



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