Shalom semua
Semoga kalian feeling blessed and sehat sehat.
First of all, proficiat buat temen-temen yang sudah melayani di ICCP 30th Anniversary on Saturday 5 Nov 2022 and at O2 “A Life of Integrity” on Sunday 6 Nov 2022 with Try Sulysto.
You know who you are .
And welcome our newest members: Cherry and Anggit Setiawan & Luisa Amanda to Sel Pasutri Gamma: Sts Aquila & Priscilla.
A few things to highlight for the upcoming week:
Puasa komunitas kita is every Monday dan mengikuti puasa secara Katolik yaitu makan sekali kenyang.
Our special intentions are:
1. Kesatuan hati dan pertumbuhan iman setiap pelayan dan anggota komunitas TOM
2. Sel-sel dalam komunitas TOM terutama sel singles
3. [Intensi sel masing-masing]
Tim doa syafaat komunitas berkumpul setiap hari selasa jam 7 PM.
The next syafaat is on Tuesday 15 Nov at 16 Torridon St, Ardross.Apabila kalian atau orang-orang yang kalian kenal membutuhkan bantuan doa, dapat langsung mengisi form doa
atau menghubungi Koordinator Doa TOM, Linda Sadikin (0426134788). Tim kami akan mendoakan kalian secara confidential. Please come along and be a blessing for our community.
Our next PD Pasutri is scheduled on Friday 18 Nov 2022, at 7.30 PM, at Willetton Catholic Parish Hall with Guest speaker Mario Borg (Youth Director of 24:7 School & Youth Ministry).

Our next Praise and Worship event is on Sunday 4 Dec 2022 at 6 PM at Willetton Catholic Parish Hall. The theme is A Night with the King. Save the Date and celebrate with us. The flyer is currently in production. Watch this space.
“Remember that nothing is small in the eyes of God. Do all that you do with Love.”
St Therese of Lisieux
God bless you.
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