27th December 2023 was the day I’ve been waiting for. My dad came to town for […]
Beberapa minggu terakhir, kota Surabaya diguyur hujan. Dari mulai hujan rintik-rintik, sampai hujan badai yang sampai […]
The past week was challenging for me. While nothing too serious occurred, I struggled to re-establish […]
Saat liburan ke Surabaya bersama keluarga, saya menyempatkan diri bertemu dengan orang tua rohani yang sudah […]
My husband said one of my best and worst trait is my competitive spirit. It is […]
So here we are on the last day of 2023! Di tahun ini aku mengakhiri dua […]
Flash back to around 15 years ago when I was still studying. My dad made the […]
🎶🎵 We were the reason, that He gave His lifeWe were the reason, that He suffered […]
Beberapa minggu terakhir, kesibukan saya sedang bertambah. Mulai dari mengurus pernikahan, pelayanan, dan pekerjaan. Hubungan dalam […]
One day, at a random work event, a person sat beside me. We chatted afterward and […]