Bulan Agustus ini adalah bulan ketiga saya menjalani role baru di pekerjaan saya sebagai seorang Senior. I enjoy this role and I’m forever grateful for the opportunity to level up. This role is my long-awaited answered prayer!

Sebagai seorang Senior jelas workload dan tanggung jawab bertambah banyak. Saya awalnya sempat kesulitan untuk membagi waktu dan prioritas karena semua terlihat penting, but I’m getting the hang of it now.

The most challenging part of the role is not the workload, it is the people I deal with in a daily basis. My team is a team of nine. Sembilan orang dengan latar belakang, kepribadian, kelebihan, dan kekurangan yang berbeda. Ada orang yang high achiever, semua task ingin dikerjakannya. Ada yang average, happy to just do the bare minimum. Dan ada yang low performer.

Each one of them challenge me in a different way. Yang high achiever merasa dirinyalah yang paling pintar dan orang-orang lain tidak (termasuk saya tidak pintar di matanya). Sedangkan yang low performer, mereka harus sering-sering ‘dipecut’ agar tidak malas. Di awal saya clueless bagaimana harus berinteraksi dengan mereka, let alone managing them.

Ada perasaan inferior dan minder di dalam diri saya karena saya yang paling muda di tim dan harus manage orang-orang yang usianya 15-30 tahun di atas saya. Di dalam struggle saya, saya diingatkan lewat satu ayat di 1 Timotius 4:12. “Jangan seorang pun menganggap engkau rendah karena engkau muda. Jadilah teladan dalam perkataanmu, dalam tingkah lakumu, dalam kasihmu.”

I work harder than before, I am more organised than before, and I care about my Team more than before. Being a Senior does not put me in positions of pride and arrogance but recognising that I have a responsibility to serve others as I have been served, to love others as I have been loved, and to forgive others as I have been forgiven.

The past three months was a good learning curve for me and I thank God for His constant guidance. I thank God for all the ups and downs. In my times of inadequacy, I remember that God is always exceedingly, abundantly more than enough for me. He is always sufficient even when I am not. It is through Christ alone that I can rise above my weakness and succeed. He has chosen me to be in this role, He has crowned me with confidence that I could do anything through Him who gives me strength.

God Bless (AS)

God Bless,



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