Tahun ini adalah tahun kelimabelas sejak saya lulus kuliah dan bekerja di dunia corporate. Perjalanan karir saya dimulai dari an entry level job as an Admin Officer. Tugas sehari-hari saya waktu itu adalah opening mail, answering phone, and running errands. Hanya satu setengah tahun saya bekerja di kantor tersebut because the office was closed and everyone was made redundant.

Saat dibuat redundant, dunia saya terasa runtuh. I cried for days and I felt lost. Little did I know that God never shuts one door without opening another. Three months later, I landed a new job as an Accounts and Payroll Officer. Saya menikmati sekali pekerjaan yang ini karena tugas sehari-harinya berkutat dengan angka. I love numbers and my love for numbers turned out to be one of my strength.

Sejak itulah saya memutuskan untuk memfokuskan karir saya di bidang Payroll. Selama lebih dari satu dekade terakhir ini, saya menimba banyak pengalaman dengan bekerja di beberapa industri seperti engineering consultant, non profit organisation, blue collar recruitment, and local government. I am thankful for all the knowledge and exposure but I wanted more. I wanted to level up from just being a Payroll officer.

Once I came close to get a Senior role but at the end, the role was given to someone else. I was a little bit crushed but I was fine. Saya sadar diri karena colleague yang mendapatkan Senior role itu punya pengalaman kerja jauh lebih banyak dari saya. It’s okay, memang belum waktunya. Saya bertahan di tempat kerja tersebut for another year sembari terus menimba ilmu.

Bulan Juni tahun lalu saya mendapatkan pekerjaan baru di perusahaan dengan skala terbesar sepanjang perjalanan karir saya. Saya dihire bersama tiga orang lainnya dan kami dijadikan satu tim. Ada rasa gentar dan minder di awal karena saya yang paling muda di tim. But God reminded me through a verse from 2 Timothy 1:7 “God didn’t give us a spirit of fear but He gave us power.” Okay bring it on!

I give 100% in this role. Setiap training saya ikuti dengan sungguh-sungguh, setiap ada new learning opportunity I put my hands up, dan setiap task yang dipercayakan ke saya, kecil atau besar, saya kerjakan dengan sebaik-baiknya. The Bible says when we work with all our hearts, as working for the Lord, He will establish our plans. The plans that is beyond our wildest imagination.

Last month, I received the biggest and happiest news from my manager. Not only the company upgraded my employment status from Fixed Term Contract to Permanent, I was also offered the Senior Payroll Officer position! Praise the Lord! The promotion came as a surprise because there was no vacant senior position when I started. The position was recently made available due to personal circumstances changes of the previous senior.

I’m thrilled that my prayer has finally been answered and my dream has finally come true. Bukan waktu yang sebentar untuk bisa ada di titik ini but I learned to trust God in the “not yet” situation. Sometimes He put things on hold and wait for you to grow because only then you will be able to properly steward His blessings. So don’t be in hurry. Isaiah 60:22 “When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

God Bless (AS)



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